Midlothian Council - 21/02/2023 - Tuesday 21 February 2023, 11:00am - Midlothian Council Webcasting
Midlothian Council - 21/02/2023
Tuesday, 21st February 2023 at 11:00am
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Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Agenda item :
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Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Ross Neill
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Agenda item :
Date of Next Meeting
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Agenda item :
Order of Business
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Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Derek Milligan - Scottish Labour
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Margot Russell - Scottish Labour
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Stephen Curran - Scottish Labour
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Douglas Bowen - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Ross Neill
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Ellen Scott - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Derek Milligan - Scottish Labour
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Peter Smaill - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Agenda item :
4.1 School Captains of Lasswade High School - Letter to the Council
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Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Agenda item :
5.1 Minute of Council 13 December 2022 for Approval
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Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Peter Smaill - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Agenda item :
5.2 Minute of Special Council 31 January 2023 for Approval
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Cllr Kelly Drummond - Scottish Labour
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Ross Neill
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Dianne Alexander - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Kelly Drummond - Scottish Labour
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Peter Smaill - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Derek Milligan - Scottish Labour
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Agenda item :
5.4 PRIVATE Minute Volume Index Midlothian Council 21 February 2023
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Agenda item :
5.5 Action Log- Council 21.02.2023
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Agenda item :
8.1 Financial Monitoring 2022-23 – General Fund Revenue Q3 Report by Acting Chief Financial Officer
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Fiona Robertson
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Fiona Robertson
Cllr Peter Smaill - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Peter Smaill - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Fiona Robertson
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Agenda item :
8.2 Housing Revenue Account – Revenue Budget and Capital Plan 2022-23 Q3 Report
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Fiona Robertson
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Stuart McKenzie - SNP
Cllr Stuart McKenzie - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Stuart McKenzie - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Peter Smaill - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Kevin Anderson
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Derek Milligan - Scottish Labour
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Stuart McKenzie - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Agenda item :
8.3 Housing Revenue Account – Rent Setting Strategy 2023-24- 2025-26 Report by Executive Director Place
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Kevin Anderson
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Stuart McKenzie - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Kevin Anderson
Cllr Stephen Curran - Scottish Labour
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Stephen Curran - Scottish Labour
Kevin Anderson
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Agenda item :
8.4 General Services Capital Plan 2022-23 Quarter 3 Monitoring, and 2023-24 to 2026- 27 Budgets Report by Acting Chief Financial Officer
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Fiona Robertson
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Ellen Scott - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Fiona Robertson
Cllr Peter Smaill - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Peter Smaill - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Fiona Robertson
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Agenda item :
8.5 Treasury Management and Investment Strategy 2023-24 & Prudential Indicators Report by Acting Chief Financial Officer
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- Treasury Management and Investment Strategy 2023-24 & Prudential Indicators
- Treasury Management and Investment Strategy 2023-24 Prudential Indicators - Appendix 12
- Treasury Management and Investment Strategy 2023-24 Prudential Indicators - Appendix 3
- Treasury Management and Investment Strategy 2023-24 Prudential Indicators - Appendix 4
Fiona Robertson
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Fiona Robertson
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Peter Smaill - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Derek Milligan - Scottish Labour
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Peter Smaill - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Peter Smaill - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Agenda item :
8.6 Service Concessions Report by Acting Chief Financial Officer
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Fiona Robertson
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Peter Smaill - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Cllr Bryan Pottinger - Scottish Labour
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Bryan Pottinger - Scottish Labour
Fiona Robertson
Cllr Peter Smaill - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Alan Turpie
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Peter Smaill - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Fiona Robertson
Cllr Peter Smaill - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Peter Smaill - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Agenda item :
8.7 Medium Term Financial Strategy – 2023-24 to 2027-28 Report by Acting Chief Financial Officer
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- Medium Term Financial Strategy – 2023-24 to 2027-28
- Appendix B - Budget Proposals – Savings Templates.15.02.2023
- Appendix C - Overarching EQIA for Budget Proposals
- Appendix D - Public report on Budget Consultation feedback
- Appendix E - Council Tax Bandings
- Appendix F - Protecting teacher numbers pupil support staff and learning hours - 9 February 2023
- Appendix G - Letter from the Deputy First Minister 15 December 2022
- Appendix H - Service Budgets
Fiona Robertson
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Derek Milligan - Scottish Labour
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Derek Milligan - Scottish Labour
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Alan Turpie
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Fiona Robertson
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Fiona Robertson
Cllr Derek Milligan - Scottish Labour
Fiona Robertson
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Fiona Robertson
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Pauline Winchester - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Pa
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Peter Smaill - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Peter Smaill - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Alan Turpie
Cllr Peter Smaill - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Agenda item :
8.8 Capital Plan Prioritisation – Update Report by Executive Director Place
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Kevin Anderson
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Kevin Anderson
Council Officer
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Kevin Anderson
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Ellen Scott - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Peter Smaill - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Kevin Anderson
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Margot Russell - Scottish Labour
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Council Officer
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Derek Milligan - Scottish Labour
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Derek Milligan - Scottish Labour
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Derek Milligan - Scottish Labour
Kevin Anderson
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Derek Milligan - Scottish Labour
Kevin Anderson
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Agenda item :
8.9 National Public Holiday for HM The King’s Coronation Report by Executive Director Place
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Kevin Anderson
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Peter Smaill - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Agenda item :
8.10 Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal_Regional Prosperity Framework Delivery Plan Report by Executive Director Place
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Kevin Anderson
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Agenda item :
8.11 UK Shared Prosperity Fund Report by Education Chief Operating Officer
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Council Officer
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Agenda item :
8.12 Building Maintenance Service - Dampness & Condensation Policy Report by Executive Director Place
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Council Officer
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Stuart McKenzie - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Willie McEwan - Scottish Labour
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Council Officer
Kevin Anderson
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Willie McEwan - Scottish Labour
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Peter Smaill - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Council Officer
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Webcast Finished
- 5.2 Minute of Special Council 31 January 2023_public for Approval, opens in new tab
- Financial Monitoring 2022-23 – General Fund Revenue Q3 Report by Acting Chief Financial Office, opens in new tab
- Housing Revenue Account – Revenue Budget and Capital Plan 2022-23 Q3 Report, opens in new tab
- Housing Revenue Account – Rent Setting Strategy 2023-24- 2025-26 Rep, opens in new tab
- Treasury Management and Investment Strategy 2023-24 & Prudential Indicators, opens in new tab
- 8.4 General Services Capital Plan 2022-23 Quarter 3 Monitoring, and 2023-24 to 2026- 27 Budgets, opens in new tab
- 5.3 Minute Volume Index Midlothian Council 21 February 2023, opens in new tab
- 5.5 Action Log- Council 21.02.2023, opens in new tab
- 5.1 Minute of Council 13 December 2022 for Approval, opens in new tab
- School Captains of Lasswade High School - Letter to the Council, opens in new tab
- Capital Plan Prioritisation – Update Report by Exec, opens in new tab
- 8.9 National Public Holiday for HM The King’s Coronation. docx, opens in new tab
- 8.10 Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal_Regional Prosperity Framework Delivery Plan, opens in new tab
- UK Shared Prosperity Fund Report by Education Chief O, opens in new tab
- 8.12 Building Maintenance Service - Dampness & Condensation Policy report, opens in new tab
- Service Concessions, opens in new tab
- Medium Term Financial Strategy – 2023-24 to 2027-28, opens in new tab
- Agenda Contents, opens in new tab
- Agenda Document Pack - Midlothian Council - 21/02/2023, opens in new tab
- School Captains of Lasswade High School - Letter to the Council, opens in new tab
- 5.1 Minute of Council 13 December 2022 for Approval, opens in new tab
- 5.2 Minute of Special Council 31 January 2023_public for Approval, opens in new tab
- 5.3 Minute Volume Index Midlothian Council 21 February 2023, opens in new tab
- 5.5 Action Log- Council 21.02.2023, opens in new tab
- Financial Monitoring 2022-23 – General Fund Revenue Q3 Report by Acting Chief Financial Office, opens in new tab
- Financial Monitoring 2022-23 – General Fund Revenue Q3 Appendix 1, opens in new tab
- Housing Revenue Account – Revenue Budget and Capital Plan 2022-23 Q3 Report, opens in new tab
- Appendices C-F, opens in new tab
- Housing Revenue Account – Rent Setting Strategy 2023-24- 2025-26 Rep, opens in new tab
- 8.4 General Services Capital Plan 2022-23 Quarter 3 Monitoring, and 2023-24 to 2026- 27 Budgets, opens in new tab
- Treasury Management and Investment Strategy 2023-24 & Prudential Indicators, opens in new tab
- Treasury Management and Investment Strategy 2023-24 Prudential Indicators - Appendix 12, opens in new tab
- Treasury Management and Investment Strategy 2023-24 Prudential Indicators - Appendix 3, opens in new tab
- Treasury Management and Investment Strategy 2023-24 Prudential Indicators - Appendix 4, opens in new tab
- Service Concessions, opens in new tab
- Service Concessions Appendix B - final, opens in new tab
- Medium Term Financial Strategy – 2023-24 to 2027-28, opens in new tab
- Appendix B - Budget Proposals – Savings Templates.15.02.2023, opens in new tab
- Appendix C - Overarching EQIA for Budget Proposals, opens in new tab
- Appendix D - Public report on Budget Consultation feedback, opens in new tab
- Appendix E - Council Tax Bandings, opens in new tab
- Appendix F - Protecting teacher numbers pupil support staff and learning hours - 9 February 2023, opens in new tab
- Appendix G - Letter from the Deputy First Minister 15 December 2022, opens in new tab
- Appendix H - Service Budgets, opens in new tab
- Capital Plan Prioritisation – Update Report by Exec, opens in new tab
- 8.9 National Public Holiday for HM The King’s Coronation. docx, opens in new tab
- 8.10 Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal_Regional Prosperity Framework Delivery Plan, opens in new tab
- 202301_RPF_DELIVERY_PLAN_FINAL_DRAFT_FOR_MLC, opens in new tab
- UK Shared Prosperity Fund Report by Education Chief O, opens in new tab
- Appendix 1 - Recommendations, opens in new tab
- Appendix 2 UKSPF Guidance Midlothian FINAL (1), opens in new tab
- Appendix 3 UKSPF Application Form Guidance Midlothian FINAL, opens in new tab
- Appendix 4 UKSPF Scoring Criteria 2022-25, opens in new tab
- 8.12 Building Maintenance Service - Dampness & Condensation Policy report, opens in new tab
- Building Maintenance Service - Dampness & Condensation Policy, opens in new tab