Planning Committee - 28/03/2023 - Tuesday 28 March 2023, 1:00pm - Midlothian Council Webcasting
Planning Committee - 28/03/2023
Tuesday, 28th March 2023 at 1:00pm
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Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Agenda item :
Order of Business
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Agenda item :
Declarations of interest
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Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Agenda item :
Order of Business
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Mr Andrew Henderson
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Mr Andrew Henderson
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Agenda item :
Declarations of interest
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Agenda item :
4.1 Minute of 28 February 2023 submitted for approval
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Cllr Bryan Pottinger - Scottish Labour
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Bryan Pottinger - Scottish Labour
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Bryan Pottinger - Scottish Labour
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Agenda item :
Non-Planning Application Reports
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Peter Arnsdorf
Agenda item :
5.1 Tree Preservation Order, Bilston - Report by Chief Officer Place
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Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Peter Smaill - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Peter Smaill - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Peter Smaill - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Willie McEwan - Scottish Labour
Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Agenda item :
5.2 Prosecution for non-compliance with Enforcement Notice , 1 Laurel Bank Road, Mayfield - Report by Chief Officer Place
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Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Bryan Pottinger - Scottish Labour
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Agenda item :
5.3 Prosecution for non-compliance with Enforcement Notice, Edgehead Farmhouse, Pathhead - Report by Chief Officer Place
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Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Agenda item :
5.4 Listed Building Enforcement Notice, 130 High Street, Dalkeith - Report by Chief Officer Place
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Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Agenda item :
5.5 NPF4 Impact on Outstanding Planning Applications - Report by Chief Officer Place
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Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Peter Smaill - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Willie McEwan - Scottish Labour
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Willie McEwan - Scottish Labour
Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Willie McEwan - Scottish Labour
Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Ellen Scott - SNP
Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Stuart McKenzie - SNP
Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Agenda item :
Planning Application Reports
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Agenda item :
5.6 Land between Deanburn and Mauricewood Road, Penicuik (22.00253.DPP) - Report by Chief Officer Place
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Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr David Virgo - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Dianne Alexander - SNP
Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Dianne Alexander - SNP
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Agenda item :
5.7 Land East, North East of Auchendinny (22.00848.DPP) Report by Chief Officer Place
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Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Colin Cassidy - SNP
Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Colin Cassidy - SNP
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Dianne Alexander - SNP
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr David Virgo - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Peter Smaill - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Peter Smaill - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Peter Smaill - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Ellen Scott - SNP
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Stuart McKenzie - SNP
Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Stuart McKenzie - SNP
Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Stuart McKenzie - SNP
Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Stuart McKenzie - SNP
Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Stuart McKenzie - SNP
Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Cllr David Virgo - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Peter Smaill - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Willie McEwan - Scottish Labour
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Agenda item :
No items for discussion
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Agenda item :
Date of next meeting
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Webcast Finished
- Minute of Planning meeting of 28 February 2023 submitted for approval, opens in new tab
- Land between Deanburn and Mauricewood Road, Penicuik (22.00253.DPP) - Report by Chief Officer Place, opens in new tab
- Land East, North East of Auchendinny (22.00848.DPP) Report by Chief Officer Place, opens in new tab
- Listed Building Enforcement Notice, 130 High Street, Dalkeith - Report by Chief Officer Place, opens in new tab
- NPF4 Impact on Outstanding Planning Applications - Report by Chief Officer Place, opens in new tab
- Prosecution for non-compliance with Enforcement Notice , 1 Laurel Bank Road, Mayfield - Report by Chief Officer Place, opens in new tab
- Prosecution for non-compliance with Enforcement Notice, Edgehead Farmhouse, Pathhead - Report by Chief Officer Place, opens in new tab
- Tree Preservation Order, Bilston - Report by Chief Officer Place, opens in new tab
- Agenda Contents, opens in new tab
- Agenda Document Pack - Planning Committee - 28/03/2023, opens in new tab
- Minute of Planning meeting of 28 February 2023 submitted for approval, opens in new tab
- Tree Preservation Order, Bilston - Report by Chief Officer Place, opens in new tab
- Prosecution for non-compliance with Enforcement Notice , 1 Laurel Bank Road, Mayfield - Report by Chief Officer Place, opens in new tab
- Prosecution for non-compliance with Enforcement Notice, Edgehead Farmhouse, Pathhead - Report by Chief Officer Place, opens in new tab
- Listed Building Enforcement Notice, 130 High Street, Dalkeith - Report by Chief Officer Place, opens in new tab
- NPF4 Impact on Outstanding Planning Applications - Report by Chief Officer Place, opens in new tab
- Land between Deanburn and Mauricewood Road, Penicuik (22.00253.DPP) - Report by Chief Officer Place, opens in new tab
- Land East, North East of Auchendinny (22.00848.DPP) Report by Chief Officer Place, opens in new tab

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