Midlothian Integration Joint Board - 08/02/2024 - Thursday 8 February 2024, 2:00pm - Midlothian Council Webcasting
Midlothian Integration Joint Board - 08/02/2024
Thursday, 8th February 2024 at 2:00pm
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Agenda item :
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Agenda item :
Order of Business
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Cllr Connor McManus - SNP
Democratic Services
Cllr Connor McManus - SNP
Democratic Services
Cllr Connor McManus - SNP
Agenda item :
Declarations of interest
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Agenda item :
4.1 Minute of the Midlothian Integration Joint Board held on 21 December 2023
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Ms. Val de Souza
Cllr Connor McManus - SNP
Mr Keith Chapman
Cllr Connor McManus - SNP
Cllr Connor McManus - SNP
Agenda item :
5.1 Chair's Update, presented by Councillor McManus, Chair
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Ms. Gill Main
Cllr Connor McManus - SNP
Morag Barrow
Agenda item :
5.2 Chief Officer's Report, presented by Morag Barrow, Chief Officer
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Cllr Connor McManus - SNP
Mr Keith Chapman
Morag Barrow
Cllr Connor McManus - SNP
Morag Barrow
Grace Cowan
Cllr Connor McManus - SNP
Morag Barrow
Cllr Connor McManus - SNP
Cllr Connor McManus - SNP
Morag Barrow
Grace Cowan
Cllr Connor McManus - SNP
Cllr Connor McManus - SNP
Cllr Connor McManus - SNP
Cllr Connor McManus - SNP
Nick Clater
Cllr Connor McManus - SNP
Ms. Val de Souza
Nick Clater
Mr Andrew Fleming
Morag Barrow
Mr Andrew Fleming
Cllr Connor McManus - SNP
Mr Keith Chapman
Cllr Connor McManus - SNP
Cllr Connor McManus - SNP
Cllr Connor McManus - SNP
Cllr Connor McManus - SNP
Agenda item :
5.3 Primary Care Capital Prioritisation, presented by Jenny Long, Director of Primary Care
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Cllr Connor McManus - SNP
Mr Keith Chapman
Cllr Connor McManus - SNP
Ms. Gill Main
Cllr Connor McManus - SNP
Morag Barrow
Cllr Connor McManus - SNP
Morag Barrow
Cllr Connor McManus - SNP
Ms. Gill Main
Cllr Connor McManus - SNP
Cllr Connor McManus - SNP
Cllr Connor McManus - SNP
Mr Andrew Fleming
Morag Barrow
Cllr Connor McManus - SNP
Mr Andrew Fleming
Cllr Connor McManus - SNP
Agenda item :
For Decision
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Agenda item :
5.4 IJB Improvement Plan, presented by Duncan Stainbank, Chief Internal Auditor
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Cllr Connor McManus - SNP
Mr Andrew Fleming
Cllr Connor McManus - SNP
Ms. Gill Main
Mr Andrew Fleming
Ms. Gill Main
Cllr Connor McManus - SNP
Morag Barrow
Cllr Connor McManus - SNP
Agenda item :
5.5 Strategic Plan Proposals, presented by Gill Main, Integration Manager
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Ms. Gill Main
Cllr Connor McManus - SNP
Ms. Val de Souza
Ms. Gill Main
Ms. Val de Souza
Cllr Connor McManus - SNP
Mr Keith Chapman
Ms. Gill Main
Mr Keith Chapman
Ms. Gill Main
Mr Keith Chapman
Ms. Gill Main
Morag Barrow
Cllr Connor McManus - SNP
Ms. Gill Main
Cllr Connor McManus - SNP
Ms. Gill Main
Mr Andrew Fleming
Ms. Gill Main
Cllr Connor McManus - SNP
Agenda item :
For Discussion
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Agenda item :
5.6 IJB Finance Update, presented by David King, Interim Chief Financial Officer
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Mr David King
Cllr Connor McManus - SNP
Ms. Val de Souza
Mr David King
Ms. Val de Souza
Cllr Connor McManus - SNP
Mr David King
Cllr Connor McManus - SNP
Mr Keith Chapman
Mr David King
Cllr Connor McManus - SNP
Mr Andrew Fleming
Mr David King
Mr Andrew Fleming
Mr David King
Morag Barrow
Cllr Connor McManus - SNP
Cllr Connor McManus - SNP
Agenda item :
5.7 IJB Performance Report, presented by Elouise Johnstone, Performance Manager
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Agenda item :
5.6 IJB Finance Update, presented by David King, Interim Chief Financial Officer
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Agenda item :
5.7 IJB Performance Report, presented by Elouise Johnstone, Performance Manager
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Cllr Connor McManus - SNP
Agenda item :
5.8 Public Health Prevention Update, presented by Jim Sherval, Public Health Consultant
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Agenda item :
5.9 Chief Social Work Officer's Report, presented by Joan Tranent, Chief Social Work Officer
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Joan Tranent
Cllr Connor McManus - SNP
Joan Tranent
Nick Clater
Cllr Connor McManus - SNP
Ms. Val de Souza
Joan Tranent
Ms. Val de Souza
Mr Andrew Fleming
Ms. Val de Souza
Joan Tranent
Nick Clater
Cllr Connor McManus - SNP
Agenda item :
No items for discussion
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Agenda item :
Any other business
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Mr David King
Cllr Connor McManus - SNP
Morag Barrow
Cllr Connor McManus - SNP
Agenda item :
Date of next meeting
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Webcast Finished