Cabinet - 05/03/2024 - Tuesday 5 March 2024, 11:00am - Midlothian Council Webcasting
Cabinet - 05/03/2024
Tuesday, 5th March 2024 at 11:00am
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Agenda item :
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Agenda item :
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Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Democratic Services
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Democratic Services
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Agenda item :
4.1 Minute of Cabinet 28 November 2023, submitted for Approval
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Agenda item :
5.1 Adult Health and Social Care Q3 2023/24 Performance Report by Head of Adult Services and Deputy Chief Social Work Officer
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Nick Clater
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Cllr Connor McManus - SNP
Nick Clater
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Cllr Ellen Scott - SNP
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Cllr Colin Cassidy - SNP
Nick Clater
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Cllr Colin Cassidy - SNP
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Cllr Stuart McKenzie - SNP
Nick Clater
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Cllr Stuart McKenzie - SNP
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Agenda item :
5.2 Childrens’ Services, Partnerships and Communities Q3 2023/24 Performance Report by Chief Social Work Officer and Chief Officer Childrens’ Services, Partnerships and Communities
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Joan Tranent
Cllr Ellen Scott - SNP
Joan Tranent
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Cllr Dianne Alexander - SNP
Joan Tranent
Cllr Colin Cassidy - SNP
Joan Tranent
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Joan Tranent
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Cllr Ellen Scott - SNP
Joan Tranent
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Cllr Stuart McKenzie - SNP
Joan Tranent
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Agenda item :
5.3 Corporate Solutions Q3 2023/24 Performance Report by Chief Officer Corporate Solutions
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Ms. Saty Kaur
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Cllr Colin Cassidy - SNP
Ms. Saty Kaur
Cllr Colin Cassidy - SNP
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Cllr Dianne Alexander - SNP
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Ms. Saty Kaur
Cllr Stuart McKenzie - SNP
Ms. Saty Kaur
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Cllr Colin Cassidy - SNP
Cllr Stuart McKenzie - SNP
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Mr Derek Oliver
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Cllr Colin Cassidy - SNP
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Agenda item :
5.4 Education Q3 2023/24 Performance Report by Chief Operating Officer Education
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Michelle Strong
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Cllr Ellen Scott - SNP
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Cllr Dianne Alexander - SNP
Michelle Strong
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Cllr Stuart McKenzie - SNP
Michelle Strong
Cllr Stuart McKenzie - SNP
Michelle Strong
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Agenda item :
5.5 Place Q3 2023/24 Performance Report by Chief Officer Place
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Mr Derek Oliver
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Cllr Dianne Alexander - SNP
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Cllr Connor McManus - SNP
Mr Derek Oliver
Cllr Colin Cassidy - SNP
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Cllr Stuart McKenzie - SNP
Mr Derek Oliver
Cllr Stuart McKenzie - SNP
Mr Derek Oliver
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Cllr Dianne Alexander - SNP
Mr Derek Oliver
Cllr Ellen Scott - SNP
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Agenda item :
5.6 Midlothian Council Q3 2023/24 Performance Report by Chief Executive
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Dr Grace Vickers
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Agenda item :
5.7 Inspection of Midlothian Council/HSCP Care at Home Services by the Care Inspectorate, report by Head of Adult Services and Deputy Chief Social Work Officer
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Nick Clater
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Cllr Connor McManus - SNP
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Agenda item :
5.8 Joint Inspection of Adult Services, Physical Disabilities, Long term Conditions and Carers, report by Head of Adult Services and Deputy Chief Social Work Officer
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Nick Clater
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Cllr Connor McManus - SNP
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Agenda item :
5.9 Sacred Heart Primary School Post Inspection Progress Update, report by Chief Operating Officer Education
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Michelle Strong
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Cllr Ellen Scott - SNP
Michelle Strong
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Anne-Theresa Lawrie
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Anne-Theresa Lawrie
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Cllr Connor McManus - SNP
Michelle Strong
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Agenda item :
5.10 Inspection of Midlothian Council’s Fostering, Adult Placement and Adoption Services, Report by Chief Social Work Officer and Chief Officer Childrens’ Services, Partnerships and Communities
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Joan Tranent
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Cllr Ellen Scott - SNP
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Cllr Stuart McKenzie - SNP
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Joan Tranent
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Webcast Finished