Planning Committee - 12/03/2024 - Tuesday 12 March 2024, 1:00pm - Midlothian Council Webcasting
Planning Committee - 12/03/2024
Tuesday, 12th March 2024 at 1:00pm
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Agenda item :
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Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Agenda item :
Order of Business
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Democratic Services
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Agenda item :
Declarations of interest
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Cllr Ellen Scott - SNP
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Ellen Scott - SNP
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Agenda item :
4.1 Minute of 28 November 2023 submitted for approval
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Agenda item :
4.2 Minute of 23 January 2024 submitted for approval
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Agenda item :
4.3 Action Log
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Agenda item :
5.1 Dalkeith Regeneration Development Framework – Masterplan for Dalkeith Town Centre
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Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr David Virgo - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr David Virgo - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Colin Cassidy - SNP
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Agenda item :
5.2 Listed building enforcement notice appeal decision (appeal dismissed) with regard the installation of windows and doors in the north facing elevation of South Church Hall, West Street, Penicuik
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Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Dianne Alexander - SNP
Cllr Dianne Alexander - SNP
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Peter Arnsdorf
Agenda item :
5.3 Certificate of lawful use development (CLUD) appeal decision (appeal dismissed) with regard the use of land for storage of goods and materials (excluding hazardous goods and materials) at land at the former filling station, Biggar Road, Hillend
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Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Agenda item :
5.4 24/00076/PAC - Pre application consultation for the erection of a high school, ASN (additional support needs) facility and community facilities, swimming pool, veterinary clinic and associated works at land to the east and west of Seafield Moor Road, Bilston
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Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Agenda item :
5.5 Update report regarding the Torfichen Wind Farm, East of Gladhouse Reservoir
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Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Dianne Alexander - SNP
Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Ellen Scott - SNP
Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Kelly Drummond - Scottish Labour
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr David Virgo - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr David Virgo - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Agenda item :
5.6 23/00595/DPP – Procedural report relating to the formation of recycling facility and waste transfer station; and the continuation of landfill operations and associated works at Middleton Lower Quarry, Gorebridge
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Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Colin Cassidy - SNP
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Agenda item :
5.7 23/00694/PPP – Application for planning permission in principle for residential development (indicative 78 units) and associated works at the Scotts Touring Caravans site, land north of Mayfield Industrial Estate, Mayfield, Dalkeith
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Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Douglas Bowen - SNP
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Stuart McKenzie - SNP
Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Bryan Pottinger - Scottish Labour
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Bryan Pottinger - Scottish Labour
Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Bryan Pottinger - Scottish Labour
Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Dianne Alexander - SNP
Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr David Virgo - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Derek Milligan - Scottish Labour
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Stephen Curran - Scottish Labour
Cllr Willie McEwan - Scottish Labour
Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Willie McEwan - Scottish Labour
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Willie McEwan - Scottish Labour
Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Willie McEwan - Scottish Labour
Cllr Willie McEwan - Scottish Labour
Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Douglas Bowen - SNP
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Stuart McKenzie - SNP
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Agenda item :
5.8 23/00700/S42 – Section 42 application to amend condition 14 to enable the installation of an adoptable (by Scottish Water) sustainable urban drainage system (SUDS), rather than the SUDS approved as part of the original planning application at the former Rosslynlee Hospital, Roslin
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Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Agenda item :
5.9 22/00878/DPP – Change of use from scrap yard (sui generis) to waste transfer site (class 5 General Industry) and contractor’s yard (sui generis); and associated groundworks and construction works (part retrospective) at the site of the former Ramsay Colliery in the centre of Loanhead (called in by Cllr Parry)
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Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Peter Arnsdorf
Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Colin Cassidy - SNP
Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Colin Cassidy - SNP
Cllr Stephen Curran - Scottish Labour
Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr David Virgo - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Colin Cassidy - SNP
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Colin Cassidy - SNP
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Connor McManus - SNP
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Agenda item :
Date of next meeting
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Webcast Finished