Planning Committee - 30/04/2024 - Tuesday 30 April 2024, 1:00pm - Midlothian Council Webcasting
Planning Committee - 30/04/2024
Tuesday, 30th April 2024 at 1:00pm
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Agenda item :
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Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Democratic Services
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Agenda item :
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Agenda item :
Order of Business
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Democratic Services
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Agenda item :
Declarations of interest
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Cllr Connor McManus - SNP
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Agenda item :
4.1 Minute of the Planning Committee of 12 March 2024
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Agenda item :
4.2 Action Log
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Agenda item :
5.1 Development Plan Scheme for Midlothian Number 16 (DPS16)
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Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Peter Smaill - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Willie McEwan - Scottish Labour
Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr David Virgo - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr David Virgo - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr David Virgo - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Agenda item :
5.2 Short–term lets and the Planning System
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Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr David Virgo - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Peter Arnsdorf
Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr David Virgo - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Cllr Peter Smaill - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Mr Derek Oliver
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Peter Smaill - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Ellen Scott - SNP
Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Willie McEwan - Scottish Labour
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Agenda item :
5.3 Confirmation of a Tree Preservation Order for a group of trees at land north of the Old Golf House, Newbattle, Dalkeith
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Cllr Colin Cassidy - SNP
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Stephen Curran - Scottish Labour
Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Agenda item :
5.4 24/00119/PAC - Pre application consultation for a mixed-use development including Class 1A (shops, financial, professional and other services), Class 11 (assembly and leisure) and Class 4 (business); and associated infrastructure, car parking, servicing, access arrangements and landscaping at land 90m south west of Asda Petrol Filling Station, Loanhead
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Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Stephen Curran - Scottish Labour
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Connor McManus - SNP
Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Dianne Alexander - SNP
Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Agenda item :
5.5 23/00791/DPP – Application for the erection of 12 flatted dwellings on land at Windsor Square, Penicuik
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Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Connor McManus - SNP
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Dianne Alexander - SNP
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Willie McEwan - Scottish Labour
Cllr Colin Cassidy - SNP
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Peter Arnsdorf
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Agenda item :
No items for discussion
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Agenda item :
Date of next meeting
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Webcast Finished
- 4.1 Minute of the Planning Committee of 12 March 2024, opens in new tab
- 5.1 Development Plan Scheme 16 Report and Appendices, opens in new tab
- 5.2 Short Term Lets Report April 2024, opens in new tab
- 5.3 TPO Confirmation Report - Land North of Old Golf House, Newbattle and Appendices, opens in new tab
- 5.4 24.00119.PAC - Land 90m South West of Asda Petrol Filling Station, Loanhead and Location Plan, opens in new tab
- 5.5 23.00791.DPP - Land at Windsor Square, Penicuik Report and Appedices, opens in new tab
- Action Log, opens in new tab
- Agenda Contents, opens in new tab
- Agenda Document Pack - Planning Committee - 30/04/2024, opens in new tab
- 4.1 Minute of the Planning Committee of 12 March 2024, opens in new tab
- Action Log, opens in new tab
- 5.1 Development Plan Scheme 16 Report and Appendices, opens in new tab
- 5.2 Short Term Lets Report April 2024, opens in new tab
- 5.3 TPO Confirmation Report - Land North of Old Golf House, Newbattle and Appendices, opens in new tab
- 5.4 24.00119.PAC - Land 90m South West of Asda Petrol Filling Station, Loanhead and Location Plan, opens in new tab
- 5.5 23.00791.DPP - Land at Windsor Square, Penicuik Report and Appedices, opens in new tab