Midlothian Council - 17/12/2024 - Tuesday 17 December 2024, 11:00am - Midlothian Council Webcasting
Midlothian Council - 17/12/2024
Tuesday, 17th December 2024 at 11:00am
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Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Democratic Services
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Democratic Services
Democratic Services
Democratic Services
Democratic Services
Democratic Services
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Democratic Services
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Agenda item :
Order of Business
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Alan Turpie
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Alan Turpie
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Agenda item :
Declarations of interest
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Agenda item :
5.1 Minute of Special Council meeting of 12 November 2024 submitted for approval
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Agenda item :
5.2 Minute of Council meeting of 12 November 2024 submitted for approval
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Cllr David Virgo - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr David Virgo - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Kevin Anderson
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Derek Milligan - Scottish Labour
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Derek Milligan - Scottish Labour
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Peter Smaill - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Agenda item :
5.4 Action Log
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Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Peter Smaill - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Alan Turpie
Agenda item :
5.2 Minute of Council meeting of 12 November 2024 submitted for approval
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Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr David Virgo - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr David Virgo - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr David Virgo - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Alan Turpie
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Kevin Anderson
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Colin Cassidy - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Colin Cassidy - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Derek Milligan - Scottish Labour
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Kevin Anderson
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Kevin Anderson
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Stephen Curran - Scottish Labour
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Dr Grace Vickers
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Stephen Curran - Scottish Labour
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Stephen Curran - Scottish Labour
Dr Grace Vickers
Dr Grace Vickers
Fiona Robertson
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Stephen Curran - Scottish Labour
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Fiona Robertson
Cllr Stephen Curran - Scottish Labour
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Stephen Curran - Scottish Labour
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Dr Grace Vickers
Cllr Stephen Curran - Scottish Labour
Dr Grace Vickers
Cllr Stephen Curran - Scottish Labour
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Democratic Services
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Agenda item :
5.3 Minute Volume Index
Agenda item :
5.4 Action Log
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Agenda item :
No items for discussion
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Agenda item :
7.1 Inclusion of Local Youth and School Parliaments in Council Meetings
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Cllr David Virgo - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Ellen Scott - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Agenda item :
7.2 Requirement for Approval and Additionality of Planning Obligations associated with increasing Major developments
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Cllr Peter Smaill - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr David Virgo - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Russell Imrie - Scottish Labour
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Peter Smaill - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Willie McEwan - Scottish Labour
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr David Virgo - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Ellen Scott - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Peter Smaill - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Peter Smaill - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Agenda item :
8.1 Midlothian Council 2023/24 Annual Audit Report - External Auditors
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Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Agenda item :
8.2 Medium Term Financial Strategy - 2025/26 to 2028/29 - Report by Chief Financial Officer and Section 95 Officer
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Mr David Gladwin
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Derek Milligan - Scottish Labour
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Derek Milligan - Scottish Labour
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Peter Smaill - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr David Virgo - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Agenda item :
8.3 Treasury Management Mid-Year Review Report 2024/2025 - report by Chief Financial Officer & Section 95 Officer
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Mr David Gladwin
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Peter Smaill - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Mr David Gladwin
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Douglas Bowen - SNP
Agenda item :
8.4 Community Learning and Development Partnership Plan 2024 to 2027 report by Education Chief Operating Officer
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Council Officer
Cllr Douglas Bowen - SNP
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Cllr Ellen Scott - SNP
Cllr Douglas Bowen - SNP
Cllr Margot Russell - Scottish Labour
Cllr Douglas Bowen - SNP
Cllr Douglas Bowen - SNP
Agenda item :
8.5 Edinburgh, the Lothians and Scottish Borders MAPPA Annual Report for 2023/2024 - report by Head of Adult Services and Chief Social Work Officer
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Council Officer
Cllr Douglas Bowen - SNP
Cllr Stuart McKenzie - SNP
Cllr Douglas Bowen - SNP
Cllr Stephen Curran - Scottish Labour
Council Officer
Cllr Stephen Curran - Scottish Labour
Council Officer
Cllr Douglas Bowen - SNP
Agenda item :
8.6 Review of Scheme of Polling Districts and Polling Places 2024 - Report by Chief Executive
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Dr Grace Vickers
Cllr Douglas Bowen - SNP
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Cllr Douglas Bowen - SNP
Cllr Willie McEwan - Scottish Labour
Cllr Douglas Bowen - SNP
Dr Grace Vickers
Cllr Colin Cassidy - SNP
Cllr Douglas Bowen - SNP
Cllr Peter Smaill - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Dr Grace Vickers
Cllr Douglas Bowen - SNP
Cllr Willie McEwan - Scottish Labour
Cllr Douglas Bowen - SNP
Alan Turpie
Cllr Willie McEwan - Scottish Labour
Cllr Douglas Bowen - SNP
Cllr Willie McEwan - Scottish Labour
Cllr Douglas Bowen - SNP
Agenda item :
8.7 Annual Procurement Report 2023/24 - Report by Executive Director Place
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Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Alan Turpie
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Willie McEwan - Scottish Labour
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Alan Turpie
Cllr Willie McEwan - Scottish Labour
Alan Turpie
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Agenda item :
8.8 Appointments of Members in Accordance with the Scheme of Administration - Newbyres Community Trust - report by Chief Officer Corporate Solutions
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Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Council Officer
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Douglas Bowen - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Agenda item :
8.9 Twinning Midlothian - report by Chief Officer Corporate Solutions
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Council Officer
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Peter Smaill - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Agenda item :
8.10 Workforce Strategy 2024-2034 - report by Chief Officer Corporate Solutions
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Council Officer
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr David Virgo - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Agenda item :
8.11 Midlothian Local Development Plan 2017 – Delivery Programme - Report by Chief Officer Place
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Council Officer
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Colin Cassidy - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Agenda item :
8.12 Midlothian on the Move Our Active Travel Strategy for Everyone - Report by Chief Officer Place
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Council Officer
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Colin Cassidy - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Council Officer
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Council Officer
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr David Virgo - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Council Officer
Council Officer
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr David Virgo - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Colin Cassidy - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Council Officer
Agenda item :
8.13 Animal Boarding Establishment Licence Conditions - Report by Chief Officer Place
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Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Stuart McKenzie - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr David Virgo - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Council Officer
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Kelly Parry - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Stephen Curran - Scottish Labour
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Agenda item :
8.12 Midlothian on the Move Our Active Travel Strategy for Everyone - Report by Chief Officer Place
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Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Agenda item :
8.14 Motorhome Overnight Parking - Report by Executive Director Children, Young People and Partnerships
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Fiona Robertson
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Colin Cassidy - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Willie McEwan - Scottish Labour
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Fiona Robertson
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr David Virgo - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Peter Smaill - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Peter Smaill - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Colin Cassidy - SNP
Cllr Colin Cassidy - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Stephen Curran - Scottish Labour
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Agenda item :
8.15 Capital Plan Prioritisation - Progress Report - Report by Executive Director Place
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Kevin Anderson
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Derek Milligan - Scottish Labour
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Kevin Anderson
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr David Virgo - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Kevin Anderson
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Willie McEwan - Scottish Labour
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Kevin Anderson
Kevin Anderson
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Willie McEwan - Scottish Labour
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Cllr Willie McEwan - Scottish Labour
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Kevin Anderson
Cllr Debbi McCall - SNP
Agenda item :
Exclusion of Members of the Public
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Webcast Finished
- Minute of Council meeting of 12 November 2024 submitted for approval, opens in new tab
- Minute of Special Council meeting of 12 November 2024, opens in new tab
- Action Log, opens in new tab
- 8.3 Treasury Management Mid-Year Review Report 2024-25, opens in new tab
- 8.4 Community Learning and Development Partnership Plan 2024 to 2027, opens in new tab
- 8.5 Edinburgh, the Lothians and Scottish Borders MAPPA Annual Report for 20232024, opens in new tab
- 8.6 Review of Scheme of Polling Districts and Polling Places 2024, opens in new tab
- 8.8 Appointments of Members in Accordance with the Scheme of Administration - Newbyres Community Trus, opens in new tab
- 8.9 Twinning Midlothian, opens in new tab
- 8.10 Workforce Strategy 2024-2034, opens in new tab
- 8.11 Midlothian Local Development Plan 2017 – Delivery Programme, opens in new tab
- 8.12 Midlothian on the Move Our Active Travel Strategy for Everyone, opens in new tab
- 8.13 Animal Boarding Establishment Licence Conditions, opens in new tab
- 8.14 Motorhome Overnight Parking, opens in new tab
- Youth School Group inclusion, opens in new tab
- Midlothian Council 2023_24 Annual Audit Report, opens in new tab
- Minute Volume Index, opens in new tab
- 8.7 1 Annual Procurement Report 2023_24, opens in new tab
- Planning Obligations_Redacted, opens in new tab
- 8.15 Capital Plan Prioritisation - Progress Report, opens in new tab
- 8.2 Medium Term Financial Strategy – 202526 to 202829, opens in new tab
- Agenda Contents, opens in new tab
- Agenda Document Pack - Midlothian Council - 17/12/2024, opens in new tab
- Minute of Special Council meeting of 12 November 2024, opens in new tab
- Minute of Council meeting of 12 November 2024 submitted for approval, opens in new tab
- Minute Volume Index, opens in new tab
- Action Log, opens in new tab
- Youth School Group inclusion, opens in new tab
- Planning Obligations_Redacted, opens in new tab
- Midlothian Council 2023_24 Annual Audit Report, opens in new tab
- 8.2 Medium Term Financial Strategy – 202526 to 202829, opens in new tab
- Appendix B - Public Consultation - Infographic snapshot of feedback by Directorate, opens in new tab
- Appendix C - Public Consultation - Full summary and analysis of online questions broken down by questions, opens in new tab
- 8.3 Treasury Management Mid-Year Review Report 2024-25, opens in new tab
- 8.4 Community Learning and Development Partnership Plan 2024 to 2027, opens in new tab
- 8.4 Appendix CLD plan, opens in new tab
- 8.5 Edinburgh, the Lothians and Scottish Borders MAPPA Annual Report for 20232024, opens in new tab
- 8.5 MAPPA Appendix, opens in new tab
- 8.6 Review of Scheme of Polling Districts and Polling Places 2024, opens in new tab
- 8.6 Appendix 1_Redacted, opens in new tab
- 8.6 appendix 2, opens in new tab
- 8.7 1 Annual Procurement Report 2023_24, opens in new tab
- 8.7 A Midlothian Council Annual Procurement Report 2023 - 2024, opens in new tab
- 8.7 Appendix 1 v0.3, opens in new tab
- 8.7 Appendix 2 v0.5, opens in new tab
- 8.8 Appointments of Members in Accordance with the Scheme of Administration - Newbyres Community Trus, opens in new tab
- 8.8 Appendix B - Newbyres Community Trust Constitution 11 May 2023 - approved by OSCR, opens in new tab
- 8.9 Twinning Midlothian, opens in new tab
- 8.10 Workforce Strategy 2024-2034, opens in new tab
- 8.10 Appendix B - Workforce Strategy 2024-2034, opens in new tab
- 8.10 Appendix C - Action Plan, opens in new tab
- 8.11 Midlothian Local Development Plan 2017 – Delivery Programme, opens in new tab
- 8.11 MLDP Draft Delivery Programme, opens in new tab
- 8.12 Midlothian on the Move Our Active Travel Strategy for Everyone, opens in new tab
- 8.12 Appendix B ATS, opens in new tab
- 8.12 Appendix C Report on ATS consultation, opens in new tab
- 8.13 Animal Boarding Establishment Licence Conditions, opens in new tab
- 8.14 Motorhome Overnight Parking, opens in new tab
- 8.15 Capital Plan Prioritisation - Progress Report, opens in new tab